PZA Krško - stadion Matije Gubca

Vse o najemu, nakupu in potovanju z avtodomom


Odgovor Napisal/-a: avtokampi.si

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avtokampi.si je odsoten
Prispevki: 2224
Pridružen: Pe Feb 01, 2019 1:59 pm

PZA Krško - stadion Matije Gubca

Objavljeno: Če Mar 04, 2021 7:17 pm

Predvidoma enkrat maja bodo v Krškem odprli novo urejeno postajališče za avtodome. Lokacija je na južni strani športnega centra Matije Gubca, kjer naj bi uredili 12 parkirnih mest in omogočili popolno oskrbo avtodoma - elektrika, voda, izpust in praznjenje wc kaset.

Več o novem projektu- https://www.avtokampi.si/kampi/pza-krsko-matije-gubca

Fotka izgradnje novega postajališča za avtodome v Krškem (4.3.2021)


Odgovor Napisal/-a: beachgatebyaddress920

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beachgatebyaddress920 je odsoten
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Pridružen: To Feb 14, 2023 4:50 pm

Re: PZA Krško - stadion Matije Gubca

Objavljeno: To Feb 14, 2023 4:51 pm

Beachgate By Address https://beachgate-by-address.com/ is a quiet oasis in the heart of a bustling city where you can devote your time to what you have been dreaming about for so long. It is built on the purest sandy beach in front of the sparkling waters of the Persian Gulf and is surrounded by all the best, including breathtaking views of the sea and the city. In these luxury branded apartments, you will find yourself in the center of modern life by the sea.
The well-thought-out infrastructure of the complex is a harmonious combination of cosmopolitan atmosphere, convenient location and luxurious resort lifestyle.
